March 8, 2013

Featured Vendor; Fondant Flinger

We get the chance to work with so many amazing vendors for parties that we thought we'd do a monthly featured vendor post so you can get to know them too! These are REAL people, following their passions and sharing their talents to make your party a success! Be sure to leave a comment to say Hi!

We are honored to have Rachel from Fondant Flinger be our very first featured vendor! Rachel does AMAZING work! Check out these cupcake toppers she made for a spa party we have coming up. They match the spa printable set perfectly! Her work is featured in many of our parties.

1.  Company name:  Fondant Flinger

2. What do you do? Tell us about your business!

I am a self taught cake and sugar artist.  My passion is designing and creating cakes but recently I have been dabbling in the fondant cupcake topper world.

3. How long have you been in business? How did you get started? 

I started the official business in May of 2011.  At the time, my family was stationed in Kodiak, Alaska with the United States Coast Guard and I was looking for an indoor hobby to keep me preoccupied during the long, dark, cold winters.  My son turned two while we were living on Kodiak Island so I grabbed a pack of fondant from the Walmart in order to try my hand at making his birthday cake. I absolutely loved playing with the sugar dough!  Soon after I started accepting "orders" from friends and other Coast Guard families that were willing to let me practice on them. 

4. What is your favorite part of your job?

I love being a part of a family's celebrations. Its so uplifting being a part of the high points in their lives. I'm currently getting my degree in psychology and counseling.  Thinking about having a career dedicated to helping people work through their worst days is difficult for me.  I'd much rather be remembered as that lady who made their wedding cake as opposed the lady they had to see to get through their rough times.  :)

5. What is your best party tip?  

Do plenty of prep work!  Do as much as possible ahead of time so that you can enjoy the actual day (if you are a part of they actual party).  Stress does absolutely nothing for my creative process so I've really tried to improve my time management.

6. What is your favorite party theme right now?  

Oh goodness...there are so many adorable ones out there.  I mostly like the ones that are completely original in design and tailored for that unique individual.  My son told me he was planning for his birthday next year and was pretty sure he wanted the theme to be desk lamps (like the one in the Pixar cartoons).  I haven't seen that idea used before and I love that it came directly from the imagination f my little one. 

7. Tell us a little about YOU! 

OK, well, I'm married (11 years) have two boys, Noah 5 and Levi and I go to school online full time.  I work in my local church's AWANA program during the midweek in my 2-year old's class, am incredibly skilled in backyard whiffle bat baseball, love entertaining, ALWAYS dance in the kitchen, speed EVERY time I drive, collect aprons and cake pedestals, have a love of sparkly Mom once bought me a shirt that said "I was going to take over the world but got distracted by something sparkly"...that really does sum up quite a bit.  Um, let's see, I love my husband, my family, take my faith and relationship with Jesus Christ very seriously, love my Shar Pei (except when he sneaks on the couch to sleep and knocks off all the pillows).

8. What is one of your favorite recent projects?  

My flower class with Jacqueline Butler of Petalsweets in San Diego was amazing!  I was able to walk away from that weekend with a sugar peony and a cluster of sweet peas that I made under her instruction.  What an incredible feeling of accomplishment!

Check out her Star Wars cake! My boys would FLIP if they had this cake for their birthday! My husband would flip if HE had this cake for his birthday! Awesome!

You can find Rachel and her incredible works of art at the following links, go show her some Love!

{Post written by Elizabeth Sprague. Media Assistant and Blogger for Forever Your Prints} 

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