May 15, 2013

Birthday Invitation Etiquette

There are always lots of questions surrounding how to handle birthday invitations, I hope to answer a few of them here!

1.  How many kids should I invite to my child's party? 

One more than your child's age in years is the general rule, however, it also depends on where you are having the party and budget. If your child is turning 7, invite 8 children. It's a good starting point, but not a hard set rule.

2.  Should I invite the entire class?

Many people invite the entire class in Preschool and Kindergarten. This is entirely up to you, your desired sanity level and your budget. You can also try inviting just all the boys or all the girls.

3. Can I send the invitations to school with my child?

Unless you are inviting the entire class this would be a No. Even if your school allows it, it's just not fair to the other students, you never know who's feelings you may hurt. 

4.  When should I send my invitations?

Two-four weeks is a good general rule

5.  What should I do when people don't RSVP?

This happens ALL the time and I have to say I'm even guilty myself on a few occasions. Sometimes people just get busy and forget. Send a reminder email or text letting people know you need the final guest count and if they can make it. 

Putting an RSVP date on your invitation can also help. EX: RSVP by May 21st

6. What information should I put on the invitation?

Child's name and age, date of the party, location of the party (be sure to include the full address so guests can GPS it!) time of the party (start and expected end time), RSVP information and any special requests such as "bring your swimsuit and towel" "pizza will be served" or "siblings welcome."

7.  When should I have parents drop off their children rather than stay with them?

This usually starts happening around first grade, but it depends on many things such as location and parents/children's comfort levels. 

8.  Where should I get my invitations? 

Oh I don't know....... Forever Your Prints has some pretty awesome ones :) 

9.  Where should I have my invitations printed? 

Have more questions? Post them in the comments section below! 

1 comment:

  1. I've been looking for some ideas for birthday invitations for my dad's birthday on June 29th. i wish to create my own too. thanks for giving some ideas. Keep it up and more power on your blog.!
