June 3, 2013

Featured Vendor; Lemonberry Moon and GIVEAWAY!

This month's featured vendor is an amazing, brilliant, beautiful.......... okay maybe I'm going a little overboard..... it's Me! Elizabeth of Lemonberry Moon. I've been working closely with Karen for the last couple years, photographing her awesome party designs. More recently We've gotten even cozier and I am now blogging for her, and doing some other things here and there. 

So here goes trying not to confuse myself as I interview...... myself. 

1. Company Name

2.  What do you do? Tell us about your business!

Lemonberry Moon is a photography and party planning boutique. I photograph anything from newborn babies, to families to engagement and weddings. I Love photography and all the people I meet along the way! I also design themed parties. Most of the parties I design work closely with Forever Your Prints party labels because they are crazy awesome. I make pdf party plans out of many of the themes I design and sell them on Etsy here. I create coordinating party decorations, activity kits and full party kits for my party plans. I am still working on getting the listings up for those, but I'm working on it!

3.  How long have you been in business? How did you get started?

Lemonberry Moon has been in business for about 3 years now. I started the business with a good friend of mine. She has now moved on to bigger things, but Lemonberry Moon is continuing to grow and I'm loving every minute of it.

4.  What is your favorite part of your job?

I Love that my job offers so many creative outlets for my crazy brain! 

5.  What is your best party tip?

Oh geez...... just one? HAVE FUN! Parties can be stressful for the parents, but they are supposed to be fun for everyone. That's part of the reason I started making the party plans, to make it easier with step by step guides, shopping lists and check lists. Take a deep breath, remember what you are celebrating and HAVE FUN!

6.  What is your favorite party theme right now?

Just one? Again?! Who wrote these questions? ..... oh wait, I guess I did. My two favorite so far have been the Art Party and the Mad Scientist Party. I am really excited about the Puppy Party I will be doing later this Summer.

7.  Tell us a little about you!

Oh ok, if you insist! I am a wife to my amazing hubby, mother to three incredible little boys and proud business owner. I love everything that allows creative freedom; photography, crafting and writing. I am an Oregonian born and raised, Love the outdoors and would be thrilled to own a farm one day. We started our mini farm this year with seven baby chicks that are growing way too fast and are so much fun.

8.  What is one of your favorite recent projects?

It's really hard to choose, but I think I'd have to say my favorite so far for this year would be the Spa Party.

I would Love for you all take advantage of this 25% discount on my party plans! Use code FOREVER25 here in my Etsy shop on PARTY PLANS ONLY. Code expires June 30, 2013.

I also want to give a party plan away to one lucky reader for free! 

To Enter: Simply comment on this blog post with which theme from my shop you'll choose if you win! 

Want extra entries? Complete as many of the below entries as you'd like, then comment once per item completed below. Please be sure we have a way to contact you if you win!

Extra Entries:

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Contest Ends June 30, 2013 and a winner will be chosen by Random.org. We will post the winner here on the blog and on Facebook, please also make sure we have a way to contact you if you win! Winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize or a new winner will be chosen!

Be sure to stop by www.lemonberrymoon.com and have a look around!


  1. I would LOVE to win the Carnival Circus or the Spa Party package :)

  2. Like Lemonberry Moon con FB
    Su Murillo

  3. Like Forever your prints on FB
    Su Murillo

  4. Shared giveaway in FB

  5. Follow Lemonberry Moon on Pinterest

  6. Follow Forever your Print on Pinterest

  7. Pinned an image from the Spa Party from Lemonberry Moon to my Pinterest Boards

  8. Pinned the Art Party Centerpiece pic from this blog

  9. Pinned Milk & Cookies party planner immage

  10. I follow Lemonberry Moon on FB (Shauna Rogers)

  11. I follow Forever Your Prints on FB (Shauna Rogers)

  12. I follow Lemonberry Moon on Pinterest! (Shauna_Rogers)

  13. I pinned the art party on Pinterest from this blog post. http://pinterest.com/pin/226798531207548746/

  14. I follow Forever Your Prints on Pinterest (Shauna_Rogers)

  15. I would like to win Nautical themed party. (Tina TiepNhu Nguyen)

  16. I also liked Lemonberrymoon FB. (Tina TiepNhu Nguyen)

  17. I liked Forever your prints on FB. (Hieu Nguyen)

  18. I want to win the nautical themed party (Hieu Nguyen)
