July 30, 2013

Arcade Party Feature

My (Elizabeth) oldest wanted a “normal” party this year, at one of the places all the other kids have their parties, like an arcade. He’s getting to that age where we may be at the end of themed parties and now he’ll just want to go to a movie with his buddies and have me nowhere in sight…. sigh. Well after crying my eyes out about my baby growing up too fast and taking into consideration my selfish need to create he decided to compromise and let me add a few creative touches. He actually loves helping with the planning process and is extremely creative!

Karen designed these arcade party labels to help make this party at the local arcade stand apart from all the rest. With just a few simple touches it's an arcade party an kid would be excited to have!

The kids were able to use their tickets to purchase plenty of favors at the arcade’s prize counter, but I wanted to add a few extra things. I used sour cube candies as “pixels” and runts candies as “bonus points.” I used the arcade buffet labels to top the bags of candy. Having these sealed in bags for the purpose of favors allowed me to sneak around that pesky no food other than cupcakes rule.

My favorite part of the decorations was the tablecloth. I found this fabric on Etsy, bought two yards and it was perfect! Small paper cups held just enough coins that the boys would check in every so often for more coins, helping us keep track of everyone. Mario square tins filled with coin candies and the sugar filled bombs helped make the table unique and doubled as party favors. The boys wore Invader tees from Hatch For Kids.

I made plain chocolate cupcakes with my special frosting recipe and fancied them up with the arcade party labels. A little bottled water to wash it down and they were off again!

So there goes another year, and another happy child!!
The Arcade Party has not been released yet....but stay tuned as it will be coming soon!

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