August 14, 2013

Baby Shower Games

You're planning your friend's baby shower and trying to decide what games to play and which ones to stay far, far away from. Some people love tasting melted candy bars in diapers and many of us would rather pass on that one. 

I have compiled a list of some of what I've found to be the most popular baby shower games.

1.  How big is Mommy-to-be's belly. This is a classic and although it has the potential to get over guessers shunned, it's always a  fun one. 

To Play: Use ribbon or string and have each guest cut a piece that they think will fit perfectly around Mom's belly. Have each person measure using mom's belly and cut off any extra. The person with the smallest extra piece (closest to the correct size guess) wins! *Tip - If you want to stay on Mom's good side, guess small!

2.  Safety pins in rice. This seemingly simple game is a lot more fun than it looks and a lot harder too! 

To Play: You will need a large bowl of rice and 10-15 (closed!) safety pins in different sizes. Mix the safety pins into the rice. Blindfold (or have them close their eyes) each guest one at a time and have them pull as many safety pins out of the bowl as they can in 30 seconds. 

3.  Play dough baby sculpting. A fun way to test everyone's artistic abilities and who doesn't love to play with play dough?

To Play: Each guest gets a small amount of play dough and a set amount of time (usually around 3 minutes) to sculpt a baby with it. All entries are laid out on a table and the mom-to-be picks her favorite for the winner.

4.  My water broke. This is a good game to start first thing. 

To Play: Tiny plastic babies can be purchased online and frozen with water in ice cube trays. Each guest puts an ice cube in their drink as they arrive and the first one to have their baby melt out of the ice cube yells "My water broke!" and wins. You can even have twins in some ice cubes!

5.  Don't say baby. This is also a great classic and one to help get guests mingling.

To Play: Use safety pins, clothespins or buttons, each guest gets one as they arrive. They are instructed not to say the word "baby." If someone catches them saying it they get their pin. The person with the most pins at the end of the shower wins. Make the game more difficult by adding words to the do-not-say list!

6.  Bingo. Another great classic!

To Play: Please tell me you know how to play BINGO! There are many cute baby shower versions of BINGO floating around.

7.  How babies are made. This one is for the rowdy crowd, you know who you are! IT. IS. HILARIOUS. 

To Play: You will need broomsticks and rolls of toilet paper. Have guests partner up and compete against the other duos. One partner holds the broomstick between their legs, the other holds the roll of toilet paper between theirs. Do you see where this is going? First team to "make a baby" <-No hands! Wins. It takes two. 

8.  Labor Race. A fun game to get guests moving around.

To Play: Have each guest put a blown up balloon between their legs. Have a course planned out. Have guests race around the course with the balloon between their legs, no hands! If they drop it they must pick it up with NO HANDS. Throughout the course have mom-to-be yell out distractions like "you have to pee!" at which point guests have to race to the nearest bathroom and sit on the (hopefully closed) toilet before returning to the course. Having them fold laundry, grab dad a beer or make a sandwich are hilarious distractions as well.

9.  Baby Mad Libs. This will get them laughing!

To Play: Have guests split into two or three groups. Print of a Mad Lib, such as this one, and hand it to each group. One person in each group is in charge of asking other members for "noun, verb, etc." without letting them see the story and filling out the sheet. Allow some time for them to fill it out and then have each group read their final story out loud. 

10.  Skip the games. Not a game crowd? Activities are a great alternative. Have guests decorate baby onesies, pieces of a quilt or wood blocks. 

What is your favorite baby shower game or activity? Post it in the comments section below!

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