August 12, 2013

Back To School Inspiration

It's almost that time again, are you ready to send the kids back to school?! I have to admit, I'm kind of on the fence. While the promise of some silence for a few hours five days a week is nice, I will also be sending my youngest to Kindergarden this year which stings a little. 

There are so many adorable back to school ideas out there. One of my favorite hot items is the washi tape and printed duct tape. These can be used to decorate notebooks, binder, pencils and more. My boys LOVE tape. I can never find any and have to hide it when I finally break and buy more. They use tape on EVERYTHING, they seem to always be dumping out the cardboard recycling bin and taping everything together. Fun tape is definitely on our back to school list!

Check out some other fun ideas we found floating around. Links to each item can be found on our Pinterest board here

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